Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time Goes By Sooo Fast

Bonne nuit everyone! How was your Sunday? Finally I can update my blog Now, Im gonna tell you, three events that happened these past weeks with GIF image hihi. Enjoy reading :)

1) Graduation.

Boreddddddddddd but fun at the end :D I was late fyi ahhahaha. Heksakra (my batch name) was graduated 100%!!! Say whoo whooooo :D but too bad, my mom and pop didnt join because they go to Swedia until July, 1st :{ untung gue punya tante dan sepupu yang sangat baik hihi :) Btw, my result? Well, pretty nice. I got 47,80. Alhamdulillah :)

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2) Plukers meeting.

So, I have plurk and I have good friends at there. We decided to watch movie together. We watched Transformer 2. It was a very great movie and funny!!! I was so amazed with the robots since I didnt watch the first one hehehe. After that, we went to Burger King for lunch. It was fun but kinda akward at first :P Nice to meet you guys :)

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3) Promnite.

WHOA! This the best day of my lifeeeeee!! Truly awesome!!!!! The girls were soooooooo beautifuuul with the dresses, the make-up, and the hairstyle :) The boys.... biasa aja ahuahaha. Secara cm pake jas dan ga dandan hahaha. I didnt take many photos from my camera because of the battery -_- sucks I knowww. Many of my friends told me, that I looked a like Katy Perry at that night mihihihi (blushing) They said because of my dress and my contact lenses :33

Btw, my prom had a guest star!! It was SHEILA ON 7 guys!!!!!!! They sang many many many songsss. I was very enjoyed the mini concert. Gue nyanyi sambil loncat2 (dgn high heels 10 centi!!) dan teriak2 kenceng bangeeeeeet mihihi. This is the best part: Eros deketin kamera gue dan senyum.......... Gile deg2kan gue. Trs ternyata dia mau ngasih picknya gitarnya tp krn gue lg megang kamera, si Bebek yg ngambil. Kita bertiga (plus Zaski) langsung loncat2 sambil teriak heboh banget. Lebay deh pokoknya hahahaha. Pokoknya SO7 sangat seru sekaliii! :D

PS: My computer isnt friendly to me these days, so I dont know whyyyyyy I cant make the prom's GIF picture. They said, "Low Disk Space". Ughhhh. Whatever :/

Naa ah, I cant believe that highschool was over....... will miss it very much :') but just like Bowling for Soup said,


Its 10.07 PM right now. Gonna sleep. I have so many thingsssssss to do for tumorrow! Have a nice dream everyone :) Xox <3

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

White Horse Is Stuck On Repeat

Halo... lama ga posting ya hahahaha. Biasa nih sibuk. Skrg kan gue lagi sibuk syuting buat Wizard of Waverly Place season 3 bareng Selena Gomez, David Henrie, dan Jake T. Austin. Terus syuting Hannah Montana season 4 bareng Miley Cyrus dan Emily Osment. Terus ikutan summer tournya Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, dan Jonas Brothers. Wuih sibuk banget ga sihhh. Capek sih but I'm happy with my job :) nah sekarang gue lagi break gitu dr dunia syuting dan nyanyi jadi gue mau memanfaatkan liburan gue ini sebaik-baiknya.

Okay, stop bermimpi. Hahahahaha. Sumpah deh... Gue rasanya udh terjerat dengan dunia disney banget kikikiki :333

Jadi bener gue lagi liburan. Liburan PANJANGGGGG. 2 bulan cuy. Gile ga tuh. Kok kenapa?? Ihhhh ga gaul banget sih looooo!!! Gue kan udh kelas 3 SMA. Jadinya no more school lagi dungggzzz. Hihihi seru kaaan? Yang msh kelas 1 dan 2 jangan iri ya ahuhauhuha. Tapi sejujurnya gue gamau deh liburan panjang. Kenapa??? Ah bawel lu nanya kenapa mulu hakhak. Ya lu pikir aja 2 bulan gue ngapain...... Main komputer melulu di 3 hari pertama liburan? masih oke. Tapi kalo main komputer 24/7?? BOSEN WOIIII!!!

Tapi untungnya gue ga akan menghabiskan liburan gue ini dengan main komputer doang. Nih rencana liburan gue:

  1. Les desain grafis (penting buat calon kerjaaan nanti hehe :])
  2. Les nyetir (sejujurnya males bgt!!!!)
  3. Baca breaking down (maafkan saya karena telat sekali. salahkan SIMAK, USM, UM, UAN & UMB -.-)
  4. Main bersama teman-teman (masih direncanakan)
  5. Menggila bersama adik, yona, dan sodara2! (cant waittttttttt~)
  6. Ke hongkong! Whoop whooooo!!!! (Juli cepatlah datang)
  7. Nonton tv dan dvd. (Baru kesampean nonton tv. Dvd-nya belum sempet2!! UGHH >:[)
  8. Ke sekolah buat pengumuman UAN (heksakra & 2009 LULUS. Amin) Abis itu ke Jogja buat cari kos. (Eh eh tapi tetep doain UI dong yaa wekeke :D)
  9. Wisuda dan Prom (dress, check. shoes, check. clutch, check. hair style, check. tinggal aksesorisnya nih.. sama kebaya buat wisuda!)
  10. Main komputer (teteuuuuup haahaha)

Nah, bagaimana dengan lo semua? Apa saja yang udh lo lakukan selama liburan ini? Kalau masih main komputer 24/7.... Saran gue adalah cari kegiatan. Just like me hohoho. Karena main komputer 24/7 itu lebih banyak kerugiannya drpd keuntungannya. Ayo buat liburan kali ini lebih bermanfaat!! :D

Anywayyyyyyyy, I have some photos to share. Here we go.... ;-)

1) Jalan2 sama ayah ibu di Jalan Thamrin di hari Minggu pagi

2) Ngumpul sama temen SMP. I reeeaalllllyyyy love them!!
They never failed to make me laugh <33

Karaoki sama Windy dan Iman. We sang trio kwek2's songs.
Windy as Leony, Iman as Geofany, and me as Dhea Ananda. It was soooo fun :D

Kayaknya sekian aja deh. Udah kepanjangan. Semoga yang kelas 1 dan 2 nilai rapornya bagus yeaaa. Dan yang kelas 3 semoga kita lulus dan mendapatkan universitas yang diinginkan (bagi yg belum dapat) dan yang udah kuliah, semoga UAS-nya bagus!! yang udah kerja (kayak ada??! haha), semoga uangnya ga cepet abis karena ini msh awal bulan haha. Oiya sebelum itu lo semua harus buka ini: CLICK CLICK!! LUCU BANGET!! Buat ngakakkkk! Oke deh gue udh dipanggil manajer gue nich. Adios guyssss! Have a nice day! Smooch smooch :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quotes Of The Day by Anonymous

"Orang sirik tanda tak mampu"

"Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too"

and the last,

"Karma does exist. What goes around, comes around. So, think first before you do something"

PS: If you're offended, sorry. I dont care and I dont give a damn for you. I thanked to Allah because He gave me a problem. So it means, He still remember me :)