Monday, March 30, 2009

Broken Heart


"the only way to mend a broken heart is
time and girlfriends."

Zaski gave me this quote when I was broken heart. And this is so trueee. Apalagi bagian time. Remember, time will tell, time will heals. Tapi quote diatas mau gue tambahin sama.....
new crush HAHAHA =D How about you? Share with me :)

Akibat Nama Pasaran T_T

Heiiiiiiiiiiiiii guyssss back with me Nisa. Jadi ya guys tadi ada kejadian yang membuat gue panik setengah mampus. Berawal dari..................

di kelas pas sebelum dibagiin kertas ulangan

Oneng: Nis, bsk bareng ya olahraganya
Gue: Heeee? Olahraga apaan?
Oneng: Prakteekk
Gue: Hah? Gue udh praktek gituu
Oneng: Kata Tikno lo belum.
Gue: Ah apaan sih Tikno ngasal dah.

Dan ulanganpun dimulai........

YAK! Ulangan selese. Pas mau keluar dari ruangan gue liat si Tikno. Gue kejar.

Gue: Pak, pak kata Oneng saya kok praktek lagi? Kan saya udh ikuuut
Pak Tikno (PT): Iya kamu ikut lagi. Di data bapak ga ada nilai2 kamu
PT : Tapi di kertasnya ga ada.
Rafni: Iya pak. Nisa ikut kok pak
Gue: Tuh tuh tuhhhh.
PT: (dengan santainya dan pengen gue tampol) Ya pokoknya nilai kamu ga ada. Udah besok bawa aja baju olahraga, kamu praktek lagi.
Gue: ..... (speechless monang)
Rafni: sabar ya nis....

Abis itu gue ngadu ke orang2 dan orang2 nyuruh gue ngadu ke Bu Murti. Yaudah kan ya tuh gue ke Bu Murti. Gue ceritain semuanya dan si Bu Murti bilang gini:

Bu Murti: Yaudah ntar ibu coba ngomong sama Pak Tikno. tapi kalau nilai kamu ternyata ttp ga ada, kamu ya terpaksa ulangan lagi.


Gue akhirnya terpaksa nerima takdir. Huh, Jakarta memang kejam. Hiks hiks hiks. Trs gue ketemu Tikno lagi selang beberapa menit abis ngadu ke Bu Murti.

Gue: Heh pak, sini! Bapak msh ada urusan sama saya!!
PT: (sambil cengengesan) Hehe nis, ternyata Annisa lain. Maaf yee (trs ngibrit)
Gue: ADUH OJAANNN!!! Makanya jangan asal paaak!!

Jadi teman-teman, ternyata Annisa yang dimaksud adalah Annisa Dessi. Dan nama gue adalah Annisa Puspasari. HUUUU capek deh ya emg kalo punya nama pasaran. Hahahaha. Bi-ti-wi, Gmn earth hournyaaaaa?? Gue sih TIDURRRR!!! Hahahaha. Gue matiin semuanya dongzzz secara di rmh gue AC cm ada 1 di ruang belajar dan ga mgkn dong gue belajar dengan lilin hahaha. Udh ah mau off. Mau belajar (cieeee hahaha) Dadiduww guys!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Queen Bee Hunt

Hari ini gue, Nila dan Mutia main ke rumah Bibil dalam rangka membantu dia second mission-nya Sunsilk Queen Bee Hunt. Jadi, second missionnya itu membuat portofolio foto fashion bertema EDGY! It was funnnn dan sedikit heboh karena kamar Bibil yang super-duper-mega berantakan. Nyari baju, nyari rok, nyari anting, nyari eyeliner, nyari ini dan nyari itu hahahaha. Si Bibil juga protes mulu katanya ga bisa ekspresi model. Sok merendah padahal liat deh hasilnya? Model sekali bukaaan? Hihihi. Anyway, GO VOTE HER!!!

taken by mutia & nila. edited by me. thanks to kak lalla & casseybunn :)

I'm Tired

Hi everyoneeee! Now, I will tell you many storiessss. So relax, enjoy, and have some biscuits maybe ;)

First of all, how's the USM-ITB? Errrrr.... always always MATH WAS THE PROBLEM!! Dari 40 soal gue cuma bisa 15 -__- tapi banyak temen gue yang bisaaa. Grgrgrrr kenapa gue ga bisaaaaaa????!! Untungnya gue bisa b.inggris sm skolastiknya. Doain aja ya smg dapet, amiiin ya Allah....

Last Tuesday I had Ujian Praktek Olahraga. We run at ABC's field, Senayan for two times and my time is 4 minutes 56 seconds. Hmm, not too bad. After run, we went to Labsky for athletic and basket. For athletic, I couldn't do back roll but my teacher said its okay. He said that back roll is bonus hahaha, thanks god! Dan untuk basket kita harus bisa masukin minimal 15 dalam 1 menit dan gue cuma bisa masukin 7 bola. Jadi gue ngulang lagi dan akhirnya bisa hehe

And then, school lately was boring. Ngerjain soal, abis itu dibahas. Abis itu ngerjain soal lagi, abis itu dibahas lagi. Yeah yeah, UAN is getting closer and I'm not ready yet. My last TO-UAN's score was not so good. Gue cuma dapet 60-an di tiap pelajaran, kecuali bahasa Inggris. Gue dapet 88 lohh! :D Oh iyaaa lupa blg kalo minggu lalu gue ada TO-US (ujian sekolah) daaaaaannn tebak apa?? GUE GA BISAAA!! Hahahahaha gue ga belajar sih memanggg wekekeke.

And and currently I play photoshop a lotttt! its because of Cassey Bunn (see at my links) In her blog, she put her photoshop action, and I downloaded it. Its really really cooooolll. Gue udh dari dulu pengen bgt ngedit tone-nya kea gituuu! Thank youu Cassey!! You're so lovelyy :)

See see, so good right the tone? The photos are taken when me and my friends went to Mcd Pondok Cabe. Okay maybe thats all. Au revoir! Anywy do you join The Earth Hour at next Saturday? I do :)

P.S: I'm over him yayayayayayyyy! Hmm no no no, harusnya I'm tryin to get over him! I'm tired with his game. I'm not as patient as Balqis. Well yes I'm broken but I'm sure I can pass this situation :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm So Happy!

Whooooooooooaaaa until now I'm still surprised!! I wanna screaaam (lebay hahahaha) I met my old crush tadi di Aliz pas tes ITB. Ohh.... he is still cute :P tapi tinggi dia terlalu pendek untuk ukuran cowok. But nvm about that hihihi. I didn't say hi to him because I'm too shy :") And besides that I think he didn't notice me. And at Aliz, I met many of my junior friends. But again, they all didn't notice me. Gue rasa karena gue beda banget deh kayaknya. Secara SMP gue pake kacamata dan rambut gue keriting gitu. Dan gue yang sekarang kan udah pake softlens dan rambutnya lurus. Huuuuu poor meeee. Anywy, how about the test, Nisa? Hohoho I will tell you later. Still wish me luck okay, because tumorrow I still have the test. The REAL test!! Okay, thats all mayb, I must off. My dad asked me out to dinner together. Dadaaaah

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm deleting my previous post because I just had realized that the post is too privacy and I have a trauma about writing a story about boys hahahahaha. Okay, now I wanna tell you guys that I cut my bangs!! From 'poni miring' to 'poni rata' Ohh, I always love 'poni rata' hihihi ;-D

what do you think? ;)

And I'm planning to curling and dye my hair hehehe. Btw, I went to gramedia yesterday and I see braking-dawn in Indonesian. Aaaaa I really want to buy it!! Gue udah baca yang bahasa Inggrisnya, but not finish yet. I asked to my mom, and my mom said, "After the test-thingy I will buy it to you" Huuuuah shitttyy. Lets just hope the test-thingy will finished as soon as possibleeee! Amin. Gotta off, must study for tryout (sigh). Byeeee!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hari Yang Sial

Halo. Gue mau curcol dong. Wekeke. Gue lagi duduk sendirian nih di BTA. Jadi kan ya, gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk ikut tambahan USM-ITB. Yaa drpd ga ada kerjaan di rumah jadi gue iseng2 aja gitu ke BTA, belajar hahaha asik kaaan? Gue janjian sm Andrio soalnya dr temen2 BTA gue yg ikut ITB cuma gue sm dia doang T_T Terus kan tambahannya jam 8 tuh, tapi gue br bangun jam setengah 8. Jelas ajalah gue telat. Gue baru nyampe jam 9. Pas nyampe BTA gue sms si Andrio, "Yo di kelas mana?" Dia bales, "Baritone, tp udh penuh" Anjeeeer mamam lah gue. Yauds kan gue ikut kelas mat aja. Untung msh kesisa satu. Nah terus ya tuh soal mat, SUSAH BANGET GILAKKKK!! (ga sante) Ada dimensi tiga-nya dan gue terakhir bljr kelas 1 dulu. Ya jelas ajalah gue udh lupaaaa. Trs bel bunyi, eh tp kagak keluar2. Shit bgtt. Pdhl gua udh enek sm soalnya. Pas akhirnya keluar, Andrio udh nungguin gue di dpn pintu, lagi makan mie. Gue tanya, abis ini kelas mana, dia jawab skolastik. Eh pas gue liat ke kelasnya, LAGI-LAGI PENUHHH!! Sumpah kea org ngantri ponari gitu (lebay) Trs gue cek aja ke tempat eh PENUH JUGA. Ya Allah kenapa nasib gue jelek banget hu hu hu. Akhirnya yaudah gue ke ruang komputer BTA. Mainan sendirian -__- Terus ya fyi, gue sepertinya lebih pesimis USM-ITB drpd SIMAK-UI. Secara gue ga belajar dan soalnya susahh. B.ingnya ternyata kea toefl gitu, mat-nya mat ipa. Nah gua? Anak ips cuyyy. Sedangkan skolastik? Hmm, insya Allah bisa. Udh ah sekian curcol-an dr gue. Maaf ya dr kmrn postingannya bt melulu hahaha. Untung abis ini gue mau nonton sm temen2 BTA gue. Daaaaaaaaa :-*

Sunday, March 8, 2009

10 things

that makes today is so sucks:

1. My mouse is broken
2. My parents went to Magelang to visit my sister until Tuesday.
3. So, I'm alone at home.
4. And now, I'm bored.
5. I want to go out, but I don't have enough money.
6. I want to go to my cousin's house, but she is going to JJF.
7. All of TV channels are boringgg.
8. I have watched all of my DVDs.
9. I haven't buy some new books.
10. And the most is, the internet connection is very bad!!

HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

So, I Won't Ask You "What Time Is It?" Anymore

I've been craving this watch for 2 years ago, and finally I bought it
2 days ago (thanks mum!!) at Swatch, PIM. So cute, isn't it? ;-P

..........And I just had realized that the colour of my new watch is matched with my blog. Hahaha. Now, you all know what is my favourite colour, right? :-D

Friday, March 6, 2009

Quotes Of The Day

"Sometimes, the one you love turns out to be the one who hurts you the most. And sometimes, the friend who takes you into his arms and cries when you cry, turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted"

I got this from bibil. And oh, this is so true.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi everyoneeeee, I'M BACKKK!! Yeeeeay :D How are you? I hope you guys are fine hehe. So, how about SIMAK UI? Hmmmm honestly it was not hard but it was not easy too. The mathematic was so fvvck (sorry, but it was true). I only answered 3 questions. Okay, forget about SIMAK. Hahaha. Lets just hope for the best! :3

Next week, i have USM-ITB. But I kinda lazy to study. I feel like after SIMAK I dont wanna study anymore. Hahahahaha. I know, I shouldn't like that. I still have UAN which is getting closer. Btw, I miss go to the BTA everyday hahaha. (Fyi, one week before simak, I went to BTA everday to take extra-lessons) And, errrrr..... I miss someone too. Someone that, maybe I won't see again. Huhuhu. Ah, I think I should end this post. And oh, my sister's birthday is comin up!! I must make a special gift :) Love ya and thanks for reading <3

P.S: I changed my blog's layout. I was bored with the old one. I didn't find a good new skin, so I decide to make simple just like this hehehe. And I limit my links. I only put my friends and those whose blog are interesting to read for me. Thank you for your understanding :)