Monday, May 11, 2009

My New Clothes & You Belong With Me

Last week, I went to Senen (secondhand market) with Bebek, Zaski, Windy and Ninis. We skipped our school, because school was so boring and we had nothing hahahaha. It was our first time (except Ninis) went to Senen. We were so scared because our friends told us that Senen is so many 'mas-mas alay' but we also excited :D :D And yeah it was SUPER DUPER FUN!! And its not as scared as I thought. I bought manyyyy clothes with a very cheap price. Guess what?? I found floral skirt for only Rp 1000!! Ah-ma-zing righttt?! The only bad thing is, Senen is very H.O.T! You guys curious with the clothes? Play the video! :P And tell me, what do you think about the clothes? No, not the video. I already know the answer if about the video. Hahaha silly, isn't it? Wekekeke :D

(Btw, the things that I bought only the top except the grey flower skirt)

This song is stuck in my head.
The lyrics, the videoclip and the song are very greattttt!
OMG, I love Taylor so mucccch :)


Anonymous said...

ah norak lo baru pertama kali ke senen pus hahahahaha

Nadia Atmaji said...

siaul lo hahaha bodo wekwek eh udh play videonya blm? bs ga keputer? hahahaha

Lucky said...

nis keren wahahaha!

SDA said...

saya juga suka sama lagu ini mbak

Nadia Atmaji said...

lucky: whoa makasih lucky hehehe :D

benjoan kiko: yeay, bagus bgt ya hihi

Renaldy Fernando Kusuma said...

ini baruuuu

menuju Puncak gemilang cahaya
mengukir citra seindah asa
menuju puncak impian di hati
bersatu janji kawan sejati
pasti berjaya di Akademi Fantasi


Sabila K. said...


i-want-to-shop-jadinya-deh. hauehuaheuheauheuheauha. videonya yahut nis heuaheuhea

Sisil Rilia said...

stress abis uan ya kak weukekek peace :B
baju nya bagus bagus, yg rok bunga bunga cuma 1000 itu yg mana kak?

Skylice said...

nisaaaa maaaau lace blazeeeernyaaaa!!!!

Lynn said...

waw waw waw lama2 bawa 50rb doang ke senen pulang2 bisa bawa belanjaan berkantong2 dah hahaha

Karina Aussie said...

hahahah wait for my keviyoki project!

adinda andi anas said...

HUAKAKAKAKAKAK geblek bgt si enad, malah nyanyi AFI ga jelas.

ihh ko videonya ga bisa keputer ya di aku???
ya ampun serius rok 1000?? jd pengeeeennn. teh botol aja 2500, hehehehe :P

Anonymous said...

hahaha u look sosilly but cute =)
eh iya senen tuh murah2 bgt ya? jd pengen ksana nih!

Unknown said...

penyanyi dan judulnya apa nih? akting lo keren jga.. wekekekek...

Erlangga Yudha said...

kayaknya gembira banget lo nis.. haha

Melinda Rachman said...


Melinda Rachman said...


Maya Siregar said...

beneraan semuanya dari senen, semuanya itu?.. jadi pengen ke senen -...-

reginnatalia said...

Nisaaa, itu dr senen yg dimananya ya? gue pas ke senen duluuu bgt ga nemu yg keren2 kaya gitu -___- jd pgn kesana lagi heheh

Shasha Athira Shaharuddin said...


Nadia Atmaji said...

woooooooooooooooy, enak bener yak bisa borongan........... zzzzz -_-
gaul bener dah pideonya mbak.. haha :)

Nadia Atmaji said...

enad: HAHAHAHA anjirr msh afal aja lo nad ahuahahaha anyway bytheway busway thanksss gan! :D

sabila: yukkkkkk barengan yuuuk kita abis UAS!! hihi whoaa makacih sabilaa :)

YAK CIEEE sodara2 2 org diatas ini adalah sepasang kekasih ahuehuehhehhe

Nadia Atmaji said...

sisil: ahahaha engga sil bukan gara UAN, tp UAS hahaha. adaaa sill yg warna abu2 coba perhatikan baik2 yg aku pake atasannya baju kupu2 hehehe

sarita: hayuuuuk dah ke senen buruann! banyak kok lace gituu murah lagi cuma 15-10-an

Nadia Atmaji said...

lynn: HA! thats righttttt! hahaha aku aja cm 40rb kmrn dan tas aku udh penuuh bgt haha

bebek: okaaaayyy cant wait yayayay! :D :D

Nadia Atmaji said...

kak dinda: hahaha iya kak si enad gebles bgt hahaha. hah ga bisa kakk?? hmm cb pake mozilla kak tp gatau sih ngaruh apa engga wekeke.

SERIUS KAA CUMA 1000! tp kl nyari yg 1000 susah bgt kaa yg bagus. itu aja hokiii hehehe

Nadia Atmaji said...

kak cellini: hehehehehe :P aww thank you kakkk but i think my face was uglyy at the video hehe. iya kaa murah bgt. ditawar aja kak, bisa kok. ayuk ka kesana! :D

key: you belong with me by taylor swift. ahahaha makasihh :)

Amanda said...

kak nisaaaaaa you look so beautiful!!! i love it ♥ :----)

Nadia Atmaji said...

daem: hahahaha iya dongg kan punya banyak baju baru ahuehehe

melinda: ahahahak iya dong PD kan calon superstar! hahah

maya: no, nooo ga semuanya! yg dr senen cm atasannya aja sm rok abu2 bunga2 hehe

Nadia Atmaji said...

regina: hmmm kamu coba aja tanya sm orang2 di sekitar senen, tempat baju2 second dimana. nanti lgsg ditunjukin. skrg sih yg jelas di ruko gt.. kayak itc kok. emg agak susah nyari yg bagus harus ngiter2in dan harus ngubek2 hehe. okee! smg nanti kl kamu kesana lagi nemu yg lbh bagus dr aku ya! :)

Nadia Atmaji said...

shasha: OMG, That is so sweet of youuu. Thank you very much, dear! xoxo :)

adek: ahuahha iya donggg kikiki. eh makanya pas lo balik, together kitaaa kesana wokee?? wutssss iya dong gahul, pake ulead loh! udh lama bgt ga main ulid ye kan ahuhaha

Nadia Atmaji said...

amanda: (komen kamu nyempil gt man haha)

awww makasiiiih manda sayaang :) glad u love it hihi. kisses :-*

Riesta said...

halo kaaaaaak hehe videonya lucu kak hihi. aku pas liburan mau ah ke senen hehe

Nadia Atmaji said...

wihihihiyy makasih rieees :) iya iya kesana aja ajak temen2 jgn lupa! nanti ksh liat ya hasil temuan kamu hehe

A-jeng said...

senen top deh hahaha panas banget Nisssaaaa disana. Videonya keren Nis (Y)

Yasmin Nabila said...

yahh aku ga pernah malah ke senen kak. murah tapi bagus2 gitu ga ka barang2nya?

Nadia Atmaji said...

diajeng: iyaaaa panas bgt geraaah hahaha. wah makasihhh jeng hehe :D

yasmin: wah hrs kesana kamu kl gitu ahaha hmm bagus kok tp ya harus nyariii hehe

t a l i s h a said...

omg.. you look like u're really an expert with the whole video-ing thingy.. i like this song too.. hehehe btw, u're so skinny! *envious*. hheheh i've replied ur questions in my blog kak. have a nice day :)

Nadia Atmaji said...

oh noooooo im NOT an expert!! haha this is my first time make a videooo but thank you then hihi :) and yeah, im TOO skinny tal and its not good haha. okay then i'll come to ur blog!

Anonymous said...

nispuuusss lucu bgt videonya <3, capek ga loncat2 gitu? hehe haha btw gw juga baru ke senen hari kamis kmrn, mau balik lagiii hehehe

Nadia Atmaji said...

hihihi makasihhhhhh gitta :) capek git ahuahaha. iyaa? wow mau liat dong hasilnya wekeke iya ya senen NAGIH! hahaha

the colors of my colorful life said...

wow. amazing video :)

Nadia Atmaji said...

thank you!! :D

94d15 53xy 4nt1 v1d30 k4mpun9x said...

eh aq juga blanja baju tp di "PARIS" bukan pvj bandun9 ya pliss bok. y9 pasti 9a9 di senen. aq ju9a n9ebuat video ju9a kayak qm. tapi aq 9a kampun9an ya. baju aq mahal. n jauh lebih hot daripada qm. masuk redtube aja. 9a cocok buadh di blo9. qm kampun9an, jijay bajay. btw aq lebih hotttttt dari qm.

n said...

yakin nol-nya nggak kurang satu??
jadi pengen kesanaaaa
*tapi jauh*
huhu =.=