Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quotes Of The Day by Anonymous

"Orang sirik tanda tak mampu"

"Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too"

and the last,

"Karma does exist. What goes around, comes around. So, think first before you do something"

PS: If you're offended, sorry. I dont care and I dont give a damn for you. I thanked to Allah because He gave me a problem. So it means, He still remember me :)


Anonymous said...

i know your feeling :) keep smiling sayang

febie said...

sabar ya nisa. pasti balesannya bakal dtg kok buat mereka

Nadia Atmaji said...

zita: i'll try :)

febie: makasih febieee. amin2 hahah

Anonymous said...

every quotes are so true =)

Skylice said...

hem hem marah ama siapa say? quote pertama tuh, always happen ;)

the colors of my colorful life said...

Ever told to me, live is an Equal Trade...
You buy something, you should spend some money for it.
You want love, give some love to gain it.

But one time, I realize that live isn't an Equal Trade.... Read More
I ever almost become an Agnostic when God gave me something that I shouldn't receive.
But that's live...
Like a song said, live is a roller coaster... It's upside down.

There's no Equal Trade.
Sometimes you pay for something but what you receive is far from what you hope.
But beneath it, you should realize that God give you something that you can trade with anything in this world.
It's an experience...
Appreciate it...

Never wait for good Carma...
Find your own Carma...
Make your own Carma...

Anonymous said...

i know you can!

Unknown said...

aduh sabar nis, yang penting kan udah keterima ugm kan?
cieee anak ugm

Lalla Pratami said...

uh sama nis aku juga akhir2 ini banyak2 sigh. kadang ngerasa gak kuat sampe nangis.. kadang just let them go.. life's getting harder when we grow up.. huh..

Lucky said...

be strong my child, we always covering you!

stylefrontier said...

love the quotes! haha
setuju bgt sama quote yang pertama

Lynn said...

yup. karma does exist.

prisintan said...

i love the first quote!
cepat atau lambat karma juga pasti terjadi

t a l i s h a said...

idk wht the problem is, but i agree with those three quotes nevertheless. =D

Nadia Atmaji said...

kak cellini: yes it is kak :)

saritcha: hm hm hahaha nanti aku ceritakan! haha iya yg pertama paling keyen ya ahuahua

vivagreendiaries: wow very greaaaaaaaat comment :) ure awesome :D thank you!!!

Nadia Atmaji said...

zita: yeahhhhhh!!

tando: haha anak itb makasih yaaa hahaha

lalla: getting harder iya kak tapi tambah seru hehe. semua masalah membuat kita kuat kak :) semangat kak!!

Nadia Atmaji said...

lucky: hahahaha komen luuu tapi makasih yaaa luckyyyyyy!

fhen: thank you <3 sepertinya memang itu terjadi ke semua orang ya haha memang sepertinya klise tapi itu benar sekalii, ya kan? :)

Nadia Atmaji said...

lynn: yup yup :)

intan: yaaaaaaaaaa setuju sekali dengan looo. soon or late! :D

talisha : thank youuuu talishaa :)

Anonymous said...

Those are the words i always say hahahhaa

Nadia Atmaji said...

hahaha iya kak. soalnya kejadian yang berkaitan dengan quotes itu sering sekali terjadi ya kak hehe