Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Homeworks

PR dr bebek tercinta duluuu yeuuu

This is the rules :
  1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
  2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
  3. post that picture with no editing
  4. post this instruction with your picture
  5. tag 10 people to do this
dan ini dia fotonya......... (siapa sih yg ngidein permainan kea gini, nyebelin dahh rulesnya hahaha)

udah jam setengah 6 sore tapi blm ganti baju sekolah, ckckckck

dan aye ngetag si SHABER, RINI, SARITA, AMEL, FEBIE, ECHA, KAK KASHA (maap ga nyantai haha) udh ah itu aja. hahaha


sekarang dari Kak Dinda tersayang :p

This is the rules :

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 7 People.

okay starts from now!!

the age of my next birthday

BARUUU AJA 17, karena next ya jdnya 18, uhuk uhuk tua deh yaaa. untung masih lama ihihi

a place i'd like to travel

udh pernah kesana dan MAU LAGI, LAGI DAN LAGIIIIIII. Paris is so freakin beautiful!!!! kalo udh gede mau tinggal disanaaa.... :)

a favourite place

this my school, labsky. and seriously this is my fav place. i can meet my lovely friends in here. so much unforgettable moments happened in labsky ;---)

a favourite food

lasagnaaa!!!!! nyummmyy <3 style="font-weight: bold;">favorite thing(s):

my pink camera, yg bs langsung jepret kl mendeteksi senyum. canggih kaaan hahaha dan tak lupa my pink ipod,
yg belakangnya udh kegores2 dan headset sblh kanan udh rusak kegigit tikus ahuahuha

a favourite color

PINKKK!! of course lah yaa haha org camera sm ipod gue aja pink hahaha

a city i was born

jakarta oh jakarta kota yg sangat muacet dan berpolusi
tp aku cinta padamuu

a city that u have ever lived in

Pittsburgh dr umur 3 sampe 4.5

a nickname i had

nickname gue sebenernya banyak. salah satunya nisun yg didapat dr nisa sundae. knp bs nisa sundae?
karenaaaaa... ADA DECH hakhak bebek sm shbr pasti tau :ppp

(soon) college major

mass communication. salah satunya ntr kerja di majalah, tv/radio. pengennya sih gue nanti kl udh gede kerja di majalah kea vogue atau bazaar gt dechh.

name of my love

i know i knoww rob adalah pujaan hati semua cewek
and so do i. he is totally gorgeous. TOTALLY!

a bad habit

search clumsy yg keluar si fergie ahahaha

a hobby

singing lalalalala


sekarang ini sih my wish adalah MASUK KOMUNIKASI UI.
banyak amin buat wish satu iniii. soalnya kl masuk sini, semua keinginan gue dikabulin sm bonyok ahaha

dan ini saya tag ke: BEBEK, VICKY, INA, PUCIL, ZITA, KAK LALA (maap ga nyante lagi) satu lagi gatau siapa. sok atuh kl ada yg mau ngerjain ahaha


Anonymous said...

lasagnanyaaaaa bikin ngiler hehhee

adinda andi anas said...

hadohhh aku juga mau ke paris...bikin iri aja si nisa..hehehe...


mutya said...

name of love nya kq sama seeeh sm gw hahahahaha....

Bias Tegaralaga said...

masih sekolah tha :D