I'm deleting my previous post because I just had realized that the post is too privacy and I have a trauma about writing a story about boys hahahahaha. Okay, now I wanna tell you guys that I cut my bangs!! From 'poni miring' to 'poni rata' Ohh, I always love 'poni rata' hihihi ;-D

what do you think? ;)
And I'm planning to curling and dye my hair hehehe. Btw, I went to gramedia yesterday and I see braking-dawn in Indonesian. Aaaaa I really want to buy it!! Gue udah baca yang bahasa Inggrisnya, but not finish yet. I asked to my mom, and my mom said, "After the test-thingy I will buy it to you" Huuuuah shitttyy. Lets just hope the test-thingy will finished as soon as possibleeee! Amin. Gotta off, must study for tryout (sigh). Byeeee!
ive always wanted to dye my hair too nis...... ntar kali ya kalo keluar hehehe
kamu CUTE bgt siiich!
gue nanti kalo udh kuliah bek hehehe. whoa, thank you honeeey. you too kok sar ;)
lucuuuu :)
makasiii kaa lalla hehe
ntar aja nis, abis ospek daripada di lahap sama senior... hahaha *serius, biasanya yang diincer yg gitu* :P
hooo gt ya kaa? oke deh kak makasih atas sarannya hehehe
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