So hows UAN? Hari pertama sampe hari ketiga alhamdulillah bisa. Pelajarannya itu Bind, Sos, Bing sama Mat. Nah hari keempat tuh mulai eek. Geonya susah ya ampuuuuun. Beda bgt sm tryout. Gue udh pelajarin tuh ya iklim Schimdt ferguson yang ada 8 tipe, yang selalu ada di tiap tryout, KAGAK KELUAR NYET!!! Anjiw ya emg depdiknas!! Gue bakar ntar abis pengumuman hahahahaha. Terus ya gue bego banget dah binatang Bison gue kira ada di Afrika huahahaha padahal di Amerika zzz -__- Ah semoga aja geo gue dapet 8!! Amin. Oiya trs ya kata temen2 gue contekan geo itu banyak benernya. DANG! Gara2 itu, gue pas ekonomi berniat make tuh contekan. Yauds gue tulis di balik baju. Eh taunya pengawas gue killer gilak. Jd dia mondar-mandir mulu. Takutlah gue. Jadinya gue ga nyontek dah. Untungnya ekonomi gue alhamdulillah bisa. Alhasil 5 hari UAN gue bersih dari segala contekan :)
Nantinya akan gue pigura dengan ukiran emas hahahaha
>what is your current obsession? Lulus UAN dengan nilai nem minimal 50 & masuk Universitas Indonesia. Amin.
>what is your weirdest obsession? KENALAN SM KAK RANGGA. cuma gara2 dia mirip A*** ahahaha liat aja gue samperin loh ntar ke fisika UI! haha
>what are you wearing today? T-shirt, jeans dan sepatu sejuta umat, sepatu mayestik hahaha
>what’s for dinner today? Nasi dan ayam. Yuuumm :9
>makeup kit you cant live without? Powder, eyeliner, and lipbalm.
>what would you like to learn to do? Nyetir mobil uououo ga bisa2 grgr >:(
>what’s the last thing you bought? Onion rings by CFC. Its really deliciousooo! You shud try it :D
>what are you listening to right now? Secret Love - Jojo
>what is your favorite weather? Udara sejuk sehabis hujan :)
>what is your most challenging goal right now? Dapet nilai bagus di ulangan jepang nanti ahuahha. Nilai terbagus gue? 70. Itu juga nyontek hahaha -_-
>what do you think about the person who tagged you? Sweet :)
>if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Oh mon dieu, paris bien sûr! <33333>what would you like to have in your hands right now? A glass of ice-tea would be great. So hot right here!
>what would you like to get rid of? Sifat gue yang amat sangat ceroboh -.-
>if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? New york or Japan.
>which language do you want to learn? French.
>what do you look for in a friend? Selalu ada disaat senang maupun sedih.
>who do you want to meet in person? All my idols. Lindsay Lohan, Selena Gomez, Ed Westwick, Rob Pattinson, Vic Zhou, dan Fedi Nuril. Presiden SBY juga mau deh ahaha
>what’s your favorite type of music? Pop goes my heart!
>what’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? Skirt and dont forget, my floral collection ;)
>what is your dream job? Kerja di majalah.
>any favorite models? Nopsie.
>if you had £100 now what would you spend it on? Necklaces, earrings, bags, and shoes.
>favorite designer? H&M.
>fashion pet peeve? Baju yang bermotif polkadot2 yg ukuran buletannya besar. Seperti badut.
>do you admire anyone’s style? Alix from cherry blossom girl. She is uber awesome!!
>describe your personal style Zaski told me that tshirt with highwaist skirt is so me.
>last fashion magazine you read? Gogirl.
>Tag eight other people. Well, I pass this to: Bebek, Febie, Sarita, Adek, Sabila, Kak Lalla, Enad, and Zita
UPDATED: Alhamdulillah gue keterima di UGM jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi. Makasih ya Allah udah memberikan kesempatan kepadaku untuk membanggakan ayah & ibu... Oh my god, I am so haaappyyy!! Yeay PTN finally! :-))))
semoga UANnya semua nilainya bagus yaa pass with flying colours, nis ak gada uan sih lagi nunggu IB exam congratz ya buat UGM wah tar pindah jogja dong ?
huuaa finally ya? hehe yakin lulus gaa? hehehe mudah2an ya haruss!! :)
huee nisaa saling mendoakan yah smoga lulus. amin x)
Waow ada kartunya,haha. punya gue malah udh diambil lagi sama skola, gbsa pamer deh haha
kak cellini: iya kak! hehehe. yakin ka harus optimis :)
tannya: iya amin2 smg 2009 lulus semua amin! haha harusnya dikembaliin tapi gue lupa :P
hey kak.. congrats iah.. ud lewad.. smoga bs tembus UI.. btw cek deh videonya ud bs tyg blm.. hehe
tagnya seru, ntar gue kerjain ah hahahah
cieeeeeeee bersih dari contekan. bagus nis ;-)
cieee anak ugm haha
NISAAA selamaaaat!! lo ambil UGM-nya?
Halloo, lg iseng blogwalking nih. Blog lo kereen! Gue follow ya? Oya, slamat ya buat UGM-nya! :)
talisha: makasih taaal, amiiin2
bey: do it asap i would love to see ur answers :D
febie: ahihi iya dong kan gue abb-anak baik-baik ahahaha
tando: hehe makasih tando anak itb ;)
sarita: iya makasih sarrr hihi diambil dongg tp msh pgn nyoba ui nih hehe
regina: whoa thankssss :D ur comment made my boring noon ahahay
waaah makasih udah di tag ya nis hehehe nanti dikerjain! :D
congrats kak nisa masuk ugm hehe kalo masuk sana ngekost gitu kak di jogja?
kak lalla: sama2 kak! ayo kak dikerjain hihi
sisil: makasih sisiiil hehe iya kos di jogja masak pulang-pergi dr jakarta-jogja ahuehehe
semoga UANnya semua nilainya bagus yaa
pass with flying colours, nis
ak gada uan sih
lagi nunggu IB exam
congratz ya buat UGM
wah tar pindah jogja dong ?
amiiiiiiiin thank you doanya :) hoo international school ya? iya makasih yaa hehe iya pindah tp msh pgn nyoba ui nih hehe jd gausah pindah2 ahuehehe
waaaa selamat kakak!!! xD
aih, makasih ya udah dikerjain tagnya.
am i sweet? lol. :D
makasih putri :) & yess ur sweet put hihi
waaaaaaw ugm, hebat bgt. selamat ya nispuss :)
nitip doa buat gw yaaa, di itb, amin hehe
hehe makasih gitta :) okeee gittaaaaaa smg km keterima di itb amiiin2 pasti bisa yeah hehe
Wues..hebat tanpa kunci. Keterima FE UGM pula! Congrats!
ngomong2, salam kenal ya
-Blog Walker-
wah terimakasih hehehe :) iya salam kenal juga :)
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