Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm So Happy!

Whooooooooooaaaa until now I'm still surprised!! I wanna screaaam (lebay hahahaha) I met my old crush tadi di Aliz pas tes ITB. Ohh.... he is still cute :P tapi tinggi dia terlalu pendek untuk ukuran cowok. But nvm about that hihihi. I didn't say hi to him because I'm too shy :") And besides that I think he didn't notice me. And at Aliz, I met many of my junior friends. But again, they all didn't notice me. Gue rasa karena gue beda banget deh kayaknya. Secara SMP gue pake kacamata dan rambut gue keriting gitu. Dan gue yang sekarang kan udah pake softlens dan rambutnya lurus. Huuuuu poor meeee. Anywy, how about the test, Nisa? Hohoho I will tell you later. Still wish me luck okay, because tumorrow I still have the test. The REAL test!! Okay, thats all mayb, I must off. My dad asked me out to dinner together. Dadaaaah


Anonymous said...

huahahaha sapa aja kali pus. gua aja sering ngobrol sama dia wekwekwek

Nadia Atmaji said...

ogah ah kan gue dulu ga dekeeeet hauhuaa

Renaldy Fernando Kusuma said...

pasti ujiannya sambil mwesem mwesem
yega gan

Anonymous said...

ujian saringan masuk ITB ya? Hehehe. Good luck! I failed my test last year :(

Karina Aussie said...

yang manaaaa nih sun? huahuahua

Nadia Atmaji said...

engga dong nad kan ketemunya pas udahan tesnya

Nadia Atmaji said...

thanks casseey :) wah tp kan akhirnya masuk ugm! aku nanti juga coba utul hehe

Nadia Atmaji said...

gue ga pernah cerita ttg dia bek ke lo hahahauu i'll tell ya laterr

Lynn said...

gutlakk dehh ujiannya :)

Nadia Atmaji said...
